Buch, Leopold von,Travels through Norway and Lapland, during the years 1806, 1807, and 1808, London, 1813
«The beautiful red (transition) granite of the mountains of Strömsö continues for about five English miles to near Oestre, a small mountain range which accompanies the Dramsfjord, in its course into the greater Christianiafiord. Black lime-stone then shews itself on the mountains, when they begin to sink, compact and splintery, such as we are frequently accustomed to see here. It it does not however continue long. Needle porphyry lies above it; and deep down at the church of Sande, on the Sandefiord, the sand-stone appears, on which the porphyry rests. This sand-stone continues without interruption along the edge of the sea-bay, and forms the base of all the following rocks; for a high and black range of rocks advances perpendicularly to within a little of the sea-shore, and runs for a distance of miles. The road to Holmestrandt is made in the sea, for there was no room below the rocks[i]”.
Christiansands Adresse-Contors Efterretninger 23 desember 1808
«Onsdagen den 11 Januari 1809, Formiddag Kl. 10 Slet, bliver efter Amtets [?] Skrivelse, foretaget Auction udi Jacob Lies Huus i Sandefjord i Laurvigs Grevskab, over
3 898 stkr. hollandske Nøgle-Oste,
800 dito dito Friser Oste,
og 32 Kasser med finere Oste, 16 stkr. i hver Kasse.
Som er udlosset af et hertil med engelsk Besætning indkommen hollandsk Smakkeskib Bernardine kaldet. Conditionerne erfares paa Auctionsstædet.
Laurvig den 10 Decb. 1808.
[i] Buch, Leopold von,Travels through Norway and Lapland, during the years 1806, 1807, and 1808, London : Printed for Henry Colburn, British and Foreign Public Library, 1813, p 410; http://urn.nb.no/URN:NBN:no-nb_digibok_2009081912001
[ii] Christiansands Adresse-Contors Efterretninger 1808, http://urn.nb.no/URN:NBN:no-nb_digavis_christiansandsadresse_null_null_18081223_9_51_1